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About citrus

Mandarins have a long history that continues to the present day, as evidenced by the appearance of the tachibana orange in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) and "Gishi Wajinden (Legends of the Wa People). The illustration below shows "Zabon" from Honzo Zufu, Volume 9, Book 65, Fruits of the Mountain," an illustrated botanical book completed in 1828 (Bunsei 11) during the Edo period. Kishu Hara Farm has been in operation for seven generations since the Bunsei Era of the Edo period (1603-1868).


Honso Zukan. Volume 9 Volume 65 Pomelo from Mt.

Origin of citrus

Many believe citrus to stem from citrons originating in northeastern India and southern China. Gradually, citrus fruits were widely transported by humans and birds, creating and cultivating new varieties through crossbreeding and mutation with other citrus fruits.


Citrus fruits can be classified into several varieties. Many are prone to hybridization, regardless of whether they are closely or distantly related. Many species also have unknown origins and are difficult to assign to a group.


The familiar satsuma mandarin is of Japanese origin, created by crossbreeding kishu mikan and kunenbo mandarin.



The Height of Citrus Fruit Season

The height of citrus fruit season runs from autumn into winter. Shipments of the earliest ripening oranges typically begin some time in September, continuing into the season for Satsuma mandarin mikan oranges. As citrus fruits ripen, their acidity decreases and they become sweeter to the taste. In our orchard, we always check sugar content and acidity for each variety of citrus fruit to determine the optimal time for shipping.


Kishu Hara Farm

932-3 Kamiakizu, Tanabe City,

Wakayama Prefecture

© 2021 Kishuhara Farm

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